Page 39                                Summer 1997   

The musical concept is a driving force for the  Karamazov Brothers, a 12-yearold troupe of California origin which has become an American juggling legend. Randy Nelson said, "The part of the show that touches us most profoundly is where we make music..."  The concept of musical juggling has been used on stage before. In 1920 Franco Piper was a specialist in banjo juggling, playing three as he juggled and spun them on the floor. Around 1950, Eric Van Aro played drums as he juggled, and that motif is also being used today by the young Russian, Agronov. At the 1984 IJA festival,  Barnaby strummed a guitar as he juggled two balls in one hand, and Dr. Hot and Neon perform a musical duo with guitar as well. 


However, no other act has employed music with the complexity and diversity demonstrated by t:he Karamazov Brothers. 'Rhythm,  Rhythm, Rhythm: Karamazovs Erase The Fine Line Between Juggling and Music" Juggler's World, Winter 1986) 


Watch for the Raspyni Brothers' third appearance on the Johnny Carson show in ate April. Propmaker Todd Smith took a month to construct a special prop that the Raspynis will use on the show.  Smith promises the innovative trick will "knock'em out." Smith said  the project coincided with his purchase for new machinery for  construction of specialty props. On the way to the Carson show,  meantime, the Raspynis opened for singers Patti LaBelle in Philadelphia and Tony Bennett in Atlantic City and juggled on a Caribbean cruise. 'Notes' (Juggler's World, Spring 1987)


Baltimore's Dana Tison has decided to follow a higher calling with  his juggling and spend the summer using it to evangelize on the boardwalk in Wildwood, N.J. "I don't see any other reason than to  do it for God now," said the college freshman. Tison will be performing his five ball Mills Mess, seven alls and eight rings for  the Campus Crusade or Christ. 'Notes" (Juggler's World, Summer 1988)


Here's a trivia question for you: Who was the last entertainer to   appear on the Tonight Show in the decade of the 1980s? Juggler  Dan Menendez is proud to claim that distinction for his appearance  on Friday,  Dec. 29, with host Jay Leno. Menendez'  4-1/2 minute routine was highlighted by his ball bouncing to play  tunes on an electronic floor piano" device. Menendez Closes Out  'Tonight Show' Decade" Juggler's World, Spring 1990)

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