Page 3                                             March 1985


 Bill Giduz, Davidson, North Carolina


I knew there was a place for me in the IJA during my first convention in Amherst, Mass., in 1979. With unquestioning trust in a rookie, members elected me Newsletter editor that week and have restored the honor every year since.


I'm proud of Juggler's World, and the fact that so many others have been inspired to contribute to its production. The more work I put into the publication, the more I have become involved with other aspects of organizational administration. Satisfied now with my ability to handle the magazine, I would like to add the broader challenge of the presidency to my IJA commitment.


I seek the mandate to promote juggling as art and sport and to vigorously recruit new members. The program to achieve this includes championships at IJA-sponsored festivals between conventions. It in­cludes work to raise funds from outside sources for convention events and general administrative opera­tions. It includes a responsibility to answer members' questions and respect their opinions. Most of all, it includes a promise to always be a cheerful, articulate and knowledgeable spokesman for jugglers everywhere.



Glenn A. Ceponis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


I've been an IJA member since 1979 and have worked in some capacity for the IJA and its annual convention since 1980. I have held the position of vice president for the past two years. In that time I have been in charge of by-laws revision, worked on restructuring of the organization and been involved with the daily maintenance of the IJA.


Not only do I still have a lot of interest in continuing this work, I think I still have a lot to give to the organization. I ask you to not only lend me your support, but to also lend your thoughts and ideas to the organization.



Ginny Rose, Clarence, New York


In 1980 when I was appointed assistant secretary­treasurer I immediately set up a formal set of books. Prior to this there was no formal accounting system. Since 1980 I have established a registration system for conventions. I coordinate all accounts payable and accounts receivable and provide two financial reports to the board of directors each year.


In 1983 I was elected IJA treasurer. I also juggle. How many people do you know that can juggle balls as well as books? I would be interested in continuing to serve the IJA as treasurer.



Barry Bakalor, San Jose, California


My services to the IJA include being founder and coordinator of the San Jose Juggling Society affiliate, convention volunteer, competition timer and U.S. Nationals judge, creator of the IJA's video service, and co-chairman of the 1986 convention in Oakland. I ask for your support as a director of the IJA so that I may take a more active role in guiding our organiza­tion in the next year.


Alan Howard, Cleveland, Ohio


I became an IJA member seven years ago, a couple of months after I started juggling. I've attended seven conventions and competed in the Juniors, Numbers and U.S. Nationals competitions. In 1984 I served as one of the judges for some of the events.


I was elected a director of the IJA for the past year, and also was appointed to the position of affiliate coordinator. I'd like to continue to serve the IJA, and hope to expand my activities for the organization in the coming year. By the time you read this, I will have graduated from college and will be working full-time in the field of juggling. I would like to devote more time to the IJA and help it as it grows.


Dale Jones, St. Louis, Missouri


I will help the IJA reach jugglers more effectively by concentrating on entertainment value in their performance to a higher degree than on technical juggling skills.

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