Page 4                                             March 1985



Isla Vista, California

The Fabulous Stromboli Family is pleased to announce the 9th Annual Isla Vista Jugglers Festival on March 29-31. There will be live music in the park for juggling during the day and a gym available for juggling during the evenings. The Public Show and Video Night will be Saturday in the nearby Magic Lantern Theatre. Come join the fun for this annual spring warm-up for the summer convention!


Contact Jeffrey Walsh or Carrie Topliffe, Isla Vista, CA or Jon Zuber or Alison Cherry,  Isla Vista, CA.


Lake Forest, Illinois

The date of the Jugglers Spring Fling in Lake Forest, Illinois, has been changed to May 31 - June 2. For more information, contact Mike Vondruska at Bensenville, IL.


Amherst, Massachusetts

The fifth annual Return to Amherst mini-convention will be April 12- 14 on the campus of Hampshire College. For more information, contact Carol Gagnon.


Rochester, New York

The Spring Juggle-In will be April 20-21 on the campus of the Rochester Institute of Technology. Events will take place in the main gym. For more information, call Greg Moss.



More than 150 members have returned the membership survey included in the Winter issue of Juggler's World. Despite the survey's admonition to mail before February 1, it's never too late. And you'll do the IJA a big favor if you put a 22-cent stamp on the outside. It costs the organization 38 cents to retrieve those that come back through the first class return mail system.



Have you ever felt at a loss when someone asks you for information on the IJA? Soon, you'll be able to pass along a brochure that tells them every thing they need to know. The IJA hopes to have the brochure ready for distribution by April 1. If you'd like some to give out to friends and strangers, we'd be glad to supply you with all you need. Just write and say how many you'd like. Address your request to IJA, Kenmore, NY.



The IJA logo is one of the organization's most valuable assets. The fact that this logo is trademarked gives the IJA exclusive control over its use. To exercise that control fairly and in the best interest of the organization, the board of directors has established the following policy concerning its use:


"The commercial use of the IJA logo by anyone other than the IJA is prohibited, and the organization will act. promptly to prevent or prosecute unauthorized use of its logo. However, the IJA encourages individual members to use the logo on publicity material, provided prior written approval for such use is given by the board of directors or a designated officer. Members must request approval in writing, and should include either a copy of the planned design or thorough written description of such use in the request. The IJA promises to review each request and respond promptly in writing. A file of all such requests will be maintained at IJA offices."

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