Page 7                                                                                    October, 1972


 Upon reading this issue of the newsletter, you are probably going to be disappointed at the lack of juggling information within. However, due to the importance of the roster for correspondence purposes, this issue is vital. AND, we promise that the November issue will contain only juggling articles, comments, and information.

Magazine Article sent in by Bobby May


Even a juggler can be replaced by a machine. While its more serious cousins grind out answers to the ponderous problems of physicists and mathematicians, an electronic "brain," made in the U.S.A. added some vaudeville color at the recent German Industries Fair. The "electronic juggler" quivers, jiggles and jumps until the attached servomechanism gives the cue that the three foot steel rod the "juggler" holds is in perfect balance. He is then ready to begin his "act." The juggler stands holding the rod in perfect balance without support or connective device of any kind. It can keep this up indefinitely. Engineers point out that this demonstration of continuous juggling symbolizes the ability of the computer to perform other automatic control feats for industry. Such devices may free human workers of the future from many tedious and repetitive tasks in the "push­button" factories of the future. The electronic juggler was designed by Reeves Instrument Corp., and was part of the U.S. Department of Commerce.' s exhibit.


Club juggling developed from Indian Club swinging but  have never seen anything on the the Indian Club or how it got its name. Can you help?  

IJA Stickers


They are still on sale...0.25 apiece, 3 for 0.50, or 6 for $1.00.  For stickers, send to Judy Burgess.

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