Page 2                                                                                        October / November 1978



I feel that we can all enjoy giving a vote of thanks to our out-going officers and a welcome to the in-coming group. Dennis Soldati deserves our abiding appreciation for his dedication to the IJA as last year's President and ongoing Historian. Dave Walden did an excellent job over a two year period as Newsletter Editor, a  time-consuming task. I was happily impressed when, within a week after sending my initial membership fees, my mailbox was filled with IJA material - thank you Carol Benge, for your efficiency as Secretary-Treasurer. Thanks to Roger Dollarhide for the persistence of ten years as Championships Director. We continue to appreciate Linsey Leslie, now European Director, and Karl­Heinz Ziethen, Lloyd Timberlake, and Roland Weise for really broadening the IJA's perspective as Foreign Correspondents. The IJA and the Valley River Inn thank Tom Dewart and Larry Wakeman - all survived. Hovey and Judy Burgess have earned special thanks for continuous years of service in various offices.


The newsletter has a new look - Donna DiMeo is to be commended for her well-organized first edition. Welcome aboard, Tom Dewart - Vice President; Mary Wilkins Wisser -Secretary; Rich Chamberlin - Treasurer; Dave Finnigan - Education Director; and a special welcome to Fred "Garbo" Garver, a true mensh, as our new Championships Director. John Robertson and Eric Roberts' enthusiasm are evidenced by their early convention report on the 1 979 con­vention in the last newsletter.


Our association encompasses a variety of attitudes which, taken to their logical conclusion, result in seemingly incompatible dichotomies, i.e. innovation / tradition; art / sport; smaII / large; personaI / public; freedom / discipline; amateur / professional. The balance created by these concerns, creatively handled, is a integral part of a vital, healthy organization. The International Jugglers' Association is, at heart, a warm group of individuals the world over, who share in common a love of juggling.       

              Bill Barr,  President



From the Education Director

Dave Finnigan, Education Director, would appreciate your ideas about educational activities for 1978-79. Please drop him a line and let him know what workshops you would like to have at the 1979 convention, and how these workshops might be organized and conducted. Please also give names of people who have specific skills you would like to see presented.


If you have any special ideas for educational activities of a continuing nature for special educational projects, or for a way to organize the convention to achieve educational objectives, please let Dave know.


Write to:

Dave Finnigan - Seattle, Wa.




The IJA is compiling a list of propmakers, which will be sent out to new members. If you would like to be included in this flyer please send your name, address, a short description of your equipment, and other pertinent information to Donna DiMeo, IJA Newsletter Editor -  Budd lake, NJ




Mary Wilkins Wisser, IJA Secretary, is the lady to notify if you have moved, or would like a membership application or an old newsletter issue (if available). Mary's address is Anaheim , Ca.


GEMINI JUGGLERS PROPS: available for immediate delivery. Clubs: European, one piece molded polyethylene, long handled, 19 1/2" -plain $5. ea., with rubber tips $6. ea., decorated $10. ea. (gold, silver, copper, red, black). Devil Sticks-24" or 28", rubber tips, 18" handsticks, $12. ea.


Lacrosse Balls-orange or white, $1.25 ea. Add 10% of order for shipping and handling. Please make checks payable to Rob Leith. We'd like to thank everyone at the IJA convention in Eugene for making our trip such a success. Gemini Jugglers;  Roseland , NJ




MAINE : The Maine Jugglers Association performs at half time for University of Maine football games. Meetings are held at a new location every week (so we can teach new people.) Soon jugglers will be performing at local McDonalds' in return for free food and lots of publicity. Anyone traveling through is welcome 24 hours a day. Call Doug Hall for information on the latest happenings.


MASSACHUSETTS : The Pioneer Valley Jugglers' Association meets Wednesday nights at 7:30 in the basement of the University of Massachusetts Campus Center. For further info call Holly Greeley.




Please note: I have moved. Any material sent to my old ad­dress in Hasbrouck Heights will eventually reach me, but correspondence sent to my new address in Budd Lake will reach me sooner.


Thanks Donna DiMeo

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