Page 7                                             Winter 1991 - 92




Montreal Promises European Festival Atmosphere 

If you have a question next summer at the IJA's 45th annual festival in Montreal, no matter where you are, just yell out, "Hey, Serge!"


If Serge Trempe, president of JAQ (Les Jongleurs Associes du Quebec) isn't nearby to answer, somebody else surely will because, Trempe assures us, nearly everyone in Montreal is named Serge!


Trempe, the local coordinator for the festival, is working hard with IJA festival coordinator Ginny Rose in making arrangements for next summe's event (July 20 - 36 at McGill University).  Now's the time to lend a hand to help make it all happen. If you'd like to involve your club or group in the back-room shenanigans next summer, contact Trempe at: Quebec .


Trempe assures IJA members who have never visited Montreal that they will be impressed. He said, " Montreal is an exciting, colorful European­like city. Eccentricity is welcome here. It's home to the Cirque du Soleil, unicycles are an ordinary means of transportation and street performing is an established tradition. It's beautiful and clean, and jugglers will enjoy wonderful night life, shopping and outdoor cafes."


McGill University boasts an old campus set on a mountainside in the middle of the city. It's just below a forested park, and mere steps from the metro which will take jugglers three stops to St. Denis theatre, the site of the Public Show.


The Just for Laughs Festival will occupy that theatre in the week following the IJA festival. 


Eager Travel Corp. and American Airlines are the official agents for the event. If you'd like help making travel arrangements, please contact Eager at Orlando , FL.


Membership Contest Is Back

If you don't play, you can't win! And there are good prizes for everyone who helps the IJA recruit new members between now and June 1, 1993. Here's how it works.


The contest is open to individuals or to IJA affiliates. Each new member you sign up must write your name or the affiliate name in the "re­ferred by" spot on an IJA membership form (or reasonable facsimile). A new member can be credited to either an affiliate or an individual, but not both. You must claim your prize by June 1, 1993, but if you sign up enough people by June 1, 1992, you can apply your prizes to the Montreal festival.


The prizes are: an IJA t-shirt for 5 member­ships; t-shirt and one year IJA membership for 10 memberships; t-shirt, membership and a free festival activities package for 20 memberships; t-shirt, membership, festival activities package and festival room and board for 30 memberships.


Remember, everyone who reaches these goals will receive awards. If you need IJA membership brochures, contact IJA director Sandy Brown or secretary Tom Bennett.


Recent Board Actions

by Perry Rubenfeld, IJA board chairman

Ron Wirgart's Fall issue letter mentions that Juggler's World used to include a report on "the business of the IJA directors." Thanks for the reminder, Ron!


Keeping the membership informed makes the board accountable to you. The easiest way to do this is for the chairman to report in the maga­zine on decisions which would be of interest to our members. The following is by no means a com­plete summary of board activity, but highlights some of its recent actions.                             .


August 1991: We spent $2,000 for pins apd patches to replace our dwindling stock, allocated $2,500 for a Roster, and sold $375 in donation cards. The St. Louis festival made about $40,000, of which $25,000 will be put back into the Life Members Fund. Committees began working on the upcoming year's projects.

A rare confluence of juggling stars occurred recently at the Variete Tiger Palast in Frankfurt, Germany.  Bob Bramson (seated, l) was performing there when he was visited one night by Frances Brunn (seatd, c), Ernest Montego (seated, r) and (standing l-r) Karl-Heinz Ziethen, toly M of the Castors, Sergei Ignatov and Oliver Groszer.  They are posed in front of a poster of Enrico Rastelli, and gathered on the date of the 60th anniversary of Rastelli's death, December 13.

A rare confluence of juggling stars occurred recently at the Variete Tiger Palast in Frankfurt, Germany.  Bob Bramson (seated, l) was performing there when he was visited one night by Frances Brunn (seatd, c), Ernest Montego (seated, r) and (standing l-r) Karl-Heinz Ziethen, toly M of the Castors, Sergei Ignatov and Oliver Groszer.  They are posed in front of a poster of Enrico Rastelli, and gathered on the date of the 60th anniversary of Rastelli's death, December 13.

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