Page 8                                             Winter 1991 - 92


 September 1991: Membership is 3,288. The board approved the budget for the year. It is a deficit budget, but we anticipate doing well at our 1992 festival. The selection process for the People's Choice Award was changed for the Montreal festival. We began discussion on award recipients for Montreal . The board is looking into insurance coverage for IJA members. Internal controls will be established throughout the year. Lengthy discussion was held on Combat and the   board decided to continue it, but didn't decide who will run it in Montreal. Board decides to let Adam Gardner be our liaison for memberships in Europe and to sell our tapes. We hope this will increase membership. Introductory membership offer for festivals approved on a trial basis.


October 1991. Membership is 3,342. Board decides to pay travel expenses to the festival for treasurer, secretary and Juggler's World editor. Membership contest established. Permanent festival site committee established. Board decides to keep monthly conference calls as this one was short. The chairman will have the option to cancel the call if there is nothing imperative.


November 1991: Chairman cancels conference call. Board allots $200 toward a championships survey.


December 1991: Current membership is 3,193. Glenn Ceponis is elected to the board to replace Cathi Burton, who resigned. $200 is allocated to send out a survey on championships. $100 is allocated for conference calls by the committee considering permanent festival sights. Approved plan to give rewards to regional juggling festivals who participate in membership drive. Approved a plan for three-month trial of membership director to call individuals whose membership lapses.

For more specific information on any matter, feel free to call myself or any board member from

the list below.


* Carter Andrews; Championships Director; Nashville, TN

* Glenn Ceponis; Grants Director; Philadelphia, PA

* Sandy Brown; Membership Director; Fort Leavenworth, KS

* Rich Chamberlin; Archives Director; Kenmore, NY

* Jek Kelly; Affiliate Director; Omaha, NE

* Paul Kyprie; Marketing Director; Ann Arbor, MI

* Chris Majka; Publications Director; Halifax, N.S. CANADA;

* Perry Rubenfeld; Chairman of the Board; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

* Steven Salberg; Video Director; Dover, NJ

* Norm Schneiderman; Administrative Director; Halifax, N.S. CANADA

* Mike Vondruska; Education Director; Bensenville, IL

Oops! completing the St. Louis Scorecard

The Fall issue of Juggler's World gave short shrift to the winners of the Numbers championships in St. Louis. A photo of Anthony Gatto announced that he won all three individual events, but didn't emphasize the full measure of his accomplish­ments. Gatto actually set new IJA records in all three events he entered, eclipsing marks he set himself at the 1989 festival. The new marks are: in balls, 60 catches with 9; in rings, 43 catches with 9; and in clubs 230 catches with 7.


None of the Team Numbers winners set new records, but they were totally left out of the Fall issue and we'd like to recognize them now. The winners were:


  • Balls - Allen Knutson & Jack Boyce (160 catches with 11);

  • Rings - Alex & Nick Karvounis (92 catches with 10);

  • Clubs - Alex & Nick Karvounis (388 catches with 9).


In addition, the previous issue called for unlisted winners of the Combat competition to step forth and take a bow, since those results were misplaced after the competition. Mike Sackett of Kent, Ohio, was kind enough to let us know that he won the novice division of that event.

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