Page 23                                               Summer 1996



Tricks To Try In Zero Gravity

by Jerry Martin


10.Slow-passing sixty or seventy clubs.

9. Big fire spit (but only if one of your retro rockets fails).

8. Play boom-and-tether kendama without losing the satellite.

7. Put yourself into your own pattern ­ give new meaning to the term "self throw!"

6. Spin a few plates - without sticks ­ while transmitting a garbled video featuring the words "...surprise attack..."

5. Claim your Excerballs are malfunctioning.

4. Yo-yo "Around the World" around the world!

3. See if Saturn's rings are any better than Airflites.

2. Hint: In space, no one can hear you doing shaker cups...

1. Let's just see you drop one!



Juggling Beverages

by Jerry Martin

10.  Highballs


9. Seven Up


8. Gravi-Tea


7.  Ball-entine's Ale

6. Perrier Rubenfeld.


5. Rola Bola Cola.


4. Ginny Rose' / Larry Merlot (tie)


3. Club Soda


2. Milk's Mess.


1. Renegatorade.


Foods At A Jugglers' Potluck Dinner

by Jerry Martin


10. Tossed salad.

9. Meatballs.

8. Onion rings 

7. Three-Beanbag salad.

6. Pancakes.

5. Deviled crab sticks.

4. Club sandwiches.

3. Lemon Drops.

2. Popovers.

1. Chops.


Juggling Acts to Avoid

by Jerry Martin


10. "Schlockwork"

9. "Dam, Good, and Ugly"

8. 'The Spastic Zone"

7. "Moth Man"

6. "Bob Nickerzov"

5. "Droppo"

4. "The Flyng Kevorkian Brothers"

3. "The Chocolate Speedbump of Love"

2. "Professor Paranoia"

1. "Stink"


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