Page 8                                               Summer 1996


 - Notes on jugglers gleaned from other publications... The Russians Igor and Tatiana juggling with the Yankee Doodle Circus... Jose Torres finishing with torches for the Royal American Circus... Chip Lowell doing comedy juggling at the Horizon Casino in Lake Tahoe... The Fernandez Brothers and Osi in separate acts with Circus Vasquez... Robert Lang does tennis rackets, torches, rings and glowing balls with Billy Martin's All Star Circus... The rest of the Lang Family juggles with The Torino Brothers in the Jordan Circus... Miriam Moreno juggling four clubs and five rings, top hats, sombreros and ping­pong balls with the American Family Circus... Jian Qian does up to nine rings with the King Royal Circus... Ringmaster Jim Earhart juggled with balls, rings, clubs and torches with Circus Pages... Alex Avadilla with the Circo Garcia... Wally Eastwood headlines the new Splash II show in Las Vegas... Jose Peres with clubs, rings and flaming devil stick with the Royal American Circus... James Earhart in the Dallas Shrine Circus... Sampion and Miss France with Mark Verrhault's Super Cirque in Quebec... Comedy juggling by Curtis Cainan and Kevin Ryan at the opening of the International Circus Hall of Fame in Peru, Ind... Dieter Tasso is performing this summer in the Tommy Bartlett Show in The Dells, Wisc... The Martoni Duo with hats, clubs and torches with Dubsky's Royal Palace Circus... Rafael d'Carlo with Cirkus Maximus in Sweden... The Faludi Family - Fudi, Susan and Victoria - with Circus Vargas... Plate spinning and juggling by Adler with the L.A. Circus... David Gaona with the Coronas Circus in Atlanta...


- A couple of five-ball jogglers racked up some impressive achievements recently. Barry Goldmeier joggled two 10-kiiometer races in the Washington, D.C., area with five in times of 1 hour, 8 minutes, and in 57:35. And, following many miles and many moons of trying, Rev. Mike Rout in mid-May completed a five-ball joggling mile without a drop. (Actually, he went 285 meters further, in a time of 18:40.) Hout had joggled more than 350 miles total between last year's festival and mid-May. Hout's joggling feats also appeared nationwide in many papers in a "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" feature on April 2. It included a black-and-white drawing of Hout joggling hurdles with three balls, and noted that he accomplished the feat in 20 seconds in 1992.


- In a regular USA Weekend column entitled "Fitness," world-class sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner (a.k.a. "Flo-Jo") recommends to readers "Juggling, A Surprising Workout." She writes,  "When I'm in a workout rut, sometimes I do something completely different: I juggle. Juggling is a lot of fun, and it relaxes me. I've become an advanced scarf juggler on my unicycle. For me juggling is a workout because I spend most of my time picking up dropped items. I know it gives me a great arm and wrist workout, and it works the upper body and burns calories. I really enjoy it."


- Members of a new juggling club in Uruguay, Los Juglares, ask your help in getting started. It began with regular Sunday meetings in a park in Montevideo, and has expanded to regular circus workshops. The group has been offered an indoor space, and hopes to develop a UV show to perform. But they need equipment - everything from balls to clubs to scarves and diabolos. Contact Guillarmo Hill; Montevideo; Uruguay. .


- Pennsylvania's Jockular Juggler, Bob Nickerson, was profiled in the April 15 subscriber's edition of "Sports Illustrated" in an article entitled "Hooping It Up." The article did not appear in newsstand editions, but 1.5­million subscribers were able to read about Nickerson's basketball dribbling feats. Author of the article was Franz Lidz, who wrote a 1986 article for the same magazine about Anthony Gatto after the then-13-year-old won the IJA's seniors championship. Nickerson was quoted in that article, and also was profiled earlier in a 1989 edition of "Sports Illustrated for Kids." He noted that the word "excruciating" appears in the current article at least three times in reference to the puns he liberally sprinkles through his show. Nickerson plans to attend the IJA's festival in Rapid City, interrupting his travels there and back with several performances along the way.


- Baby news! Congratulations to Wink and Bonnie Danenberg of San Antonio, Tex., whose second son, Kieran Anthony Danenberg, was born last December 30... Greg and Carol Sardinha announce the birth of their second child, a girl named Samantha Caroline, on February 22... Andrew Thomas Ragatz (6 lbs, 6 oz), born to Lisa and Steve Ragatz on May 21 in Montreal, where Steve is performing in the new Cirque Du Soleil show "Quidam" in a piece developed by Michael Moschen. "Quidam" comes to the U.S. in September, and tours in California for the first year... Kathy Kaufman and Mike Narotskyof Durham, N.C., announce the arrival of Carly Dava Narotsky, born Sunday, March 24 and weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Mike reports that Carly quickly mastered several complex skills; one of her favorites is spitting up.

Bob Nickerson - The Jock-ular Juggler

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