Page 11                                             Fall 1997

 Jefferson City, Mo., juggler Gerry Tritz won first place at a recent talent show ­ despite nearly catching the auditorium ablaze with his three-torch finale. Tritz topped four non-juggling acts to take the trophy in the Labor Day weekend talent show, sponsored by the Mokane (Mo.) Lions Club. While attempting a Mill's Mess with three torches, Tritz dropped a torch, which rolled off the stage, onto a carpeted auditorium and under a piano. He then exhausted his remaining drop lines while event organizers moved the piano, luckily before anything was damaged.


April and C.J. Carlisle of Columbia, S.C., are proud to announce the birth of their

second child, a son, named Mason Clayton Carlisle, born May 8,1997. C.). is pleased to have another passing partner join his family.


Donelle and Dana Tison announce the birth of their first child, a son born April 10. Dana graduated last spring from the International School of Theology (ISOT) with a master's degree in theological studies. He won a school award for highest grade point average in the class, and also was co-winner of the faculty award for creative Biblical thinking. He plans to continue his studies at ISOT to earn a master's degree in divinity.


Heidi and Wally Eastwood welcomed twin girls - Sydney Lee and Kellie Marie - into the world May 9. Wally is working in the "Splash" show at the Riveria Hotel in Las Vegas.

During an area book signing, JoAnn Swaim juggled five beanbags next to comedian/actor/author Paul Reiser.  Reiser, co-creator and star of the hit NBC show "Mad About You", has written two books, Couplehood and Babyhood.  The latter has sold two million copies!

During an area book signing, JoAnn Swaim juggled five beanbags next to comedian/actor/author Paul Reiser.  Reiser, co-creator and star of the hit NBC show "Mad About You", has written two books, Couplehood and Babyhood.  The latter has sold two million copies!

Atsuko Koga with the Statler Brothers.

Atsuko Koga with the Statler Brothers.

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