Page 6                                                            May 1971


Now 26 years worked Francis Brunn on a German stage for the first time. During the international fair - show you could see him and Senior Wences from 4/22 to 4/30/71 in Hannover. It is true: there is no better juggler in the whole world as Francis Brunn. When he is juggling it looks like play but it is hard and difficult work. He is working in such an elastic form that he looks like a dancer. Francis was celebrated by the public

more than any other artist after the war.


Likewise with great success worked the son of Lotti Erunn­Mike, with the Harlem Globetrotters here in the "Deutschland­halle" of West-Berlin from 5/6-5/9/71. You will be astonished when you see what this young man with his 19 years shows. Only two years is he is working now in the international show-business, but he shows more tricks with balls than some other ball jugglers.


After a Japan-tour the two Wallastons are again in the Red Rose night club of West Berlin for the months April and May. There are no other double-clubs jugglers in Germany like this.


In the March program of the Hambourg Hansa Theater you could see the Spanish jugglers Trio Biarge (D'Antolys). They know how to juggle, to dance, to make music and work with humor. They have built up a wonderful act. All three of them juggle faultlessly as solo, duo, and trio. Son Willy performs a juggling act while doing the splits. Daughter Esmeralda is not only nice and young but also a perfect juggler and show-girl. Father Emilio Briatore is the artistic show-act in international repute.


Emilo is the brother of Alejandre Briatore (Allegria Bros.).  They have the best Spanish club juggling act.  Sandro, the 4th generation of the family Briatore, is this season in the Circus Sarrasani. 


Under the motto "Fascination" the Circus Knie has once again been able to present to the Swiss audience a brand new and genuine program. Artists and attractions from all over the world have been engaged for the 1971 season. 4 Ferkos are young jugglers with clubs from the USSR. The 4 Dunai, the attraction from the Hungarian State Circus, juggle on galloping horses.


There were many outstanding acts at the Circus Festival in Budapest, Feb. 1971. The numerous managers and agents made many contracts and for once had the luck to see Hungarian acts which for years had been on in the USA. Thus for instance Fudi (George Zsilak) a fantastic juggler with clubs. Much has been heard of his fine achievements, but they have never been seen in Europe.  Now come back in Tune to East Berlin at the Linden-Korso, Fudi, who for 6 years traveled round the USA with the Ringling Circus, is a handsome young juggler who can work in time to the music with 6,7,8 hoops and 3,4,5 clubs. Both his way of selling his act and the exquisitely timed way of playing up to his wife, Zsuzsa, are splendid. Fudi's skill as a juggler derives from the fact that he already as a little boy worked with balls, hoops, and clubs together with his parents who had a double-wire act.


Best wishes and greetings to all the members of the IJA!                        

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