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May 1980                                                Volume 32, Number 3

The Joggler's Jottings


By Bill Giduz, editor - Davidson, NC


$12 in the hat! We treasured it like a million, my brother Bob and I. It wasn't the money, but the principle of the thing that counted.

"The Rod and Rube Radio Juggling Show" had played its first three performances ever in Charlotte's Freedom Park that sunny Saturday. We had wanted to take our juggling to the marketplace for a long time, knowing it was really only as good as others thought it was. We had juggled for friends and family, of course. But that's not a true barometer of skill and appreciation. The street, the hat and nameless faces, we felt, would help us find our place and advance from there.


In a true test of the free market system, our supply of street juggling skill was placed alongside the demand for entertainment by people spending a lazy afternoon in the park. The result was twelve tax-free dollars and untold new confidence at having survived the first step.


We found out street juggling is challenging and fun. As long as you have a planned routine and don't mind squalking around to gather an audience, it's not even hard.


Juggling begins as an exciting revelation of hidden motor skill. With practice, it become a quiet, self-disciplining exercise. With increasing skill, it serves as a source of pride around friends. Finally, when taken to the street and stage, it's a peacock's show of beauty and confidence. Everyone loves a peacock, right?!


This summer's IJA convention in Fargo, ND, will provide ample opportunity for street juggling. Read all about it on page 3. For IJA'ers who've only dreamed of making a little money by showing off their hobby, Fargo will be a good place to start. Even if you're not ready to go public, bring a pad and pencil to learn from those of us who have!

Other articles in this issue will give you hints on performing as well. There's information from a drama teacher and Professor Confidence both. That's two excellent sources. Read it, then do it!

Inside this Issue

2 - Meetings This unidentified hand <left photo below> belongs to a member of the St. Louis Juggling Club, one of more than a dozen whose meeting places and times are listed inside.


3 - Actors juggle if they're studying under Craig Tumer at the University of Washington. He tells how juggling practice proves useful on the stage.


4  - What's a Chinko? The story about the IJA European convention, held in London recently, doesn't say. But it does reveal that our members abroad are alive, well and very talented!


7 - Fargoward! It's time to start making plans and packing bags for the trip to the annual IJA convention! Fargo, the site, will be a less mysterious burg after reading about it herein.


8 - Chain saw juggling by the Kammazov Brothers and the continuing success of juggling in Eugene merit the pen of Tom Dewart, IJA President, in his Oregon Report.


9 - Chasing the sun across the Tanzanian veldt in hopes of a clear day for an eclipse, Eric Roberts found time to juggle, too!


10 - The Sikorskys checked juggling out at their local library, went home and practiced it and are now touring world­wide. Read about this talented three man troupe from a mother's point of view inside the Newsletter.



And there's more! 

A Swedish racketeer

W.C. Fields gets stamped

Change your juggling habits

Five-ball advantage revealed

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