Page 5                                             May  1983


News Notes




BURLINGTON, VERMONT - The Jugglers from Mars and Mayor's Council on the Arts present the Burlington Northern Juggling Festival July 15-19 in the Burlington Memorial Auditorium. The festival will feature free lessons for beginners, a parade and workshops. For more information, contact: Mark Madigan, Jugglers From Mars,  Burlington, Vermont.


EUROPEAN IJA CONVENTION - The European IJA convention will be September 16-18 in the city of Laval, in the department of Mayenne, France. The registration price will be 60 francs for the entire event or 20 francs per day. Lodging is being arranged, and it promises to be pas mal commefete (a good bash!).   Contact: L'lnstitut Francais de Jonglage, Le Mans, France.


Sourcemonthly ceases publication

After a year of planning and another year of publishing seven issues, the publishers of Sourcemonthly have discontinued production of their interdisciplinary arts magazine.


Publisher Louis Jensen expressed her disappointment that membership response was insufficient to continue, and cited financial considerations as the main reason for making March 1983 the final issue.


Sourcemonthly was created to serve the needs of mimes, clowns, puppeteers, jugglers, and clowns.


Subscribers to Sourcemonthly will receive a formal notice in early May. For those interested, back issues will be available by direct mail from the publisher.


Of Concern To the IJA

Receiving many requests for information on juggling video, the IJA plans to begin keeping a list of people interested in exchanging tapes with others. If you'd like your name included, please write Gene Jones.


Anyone interested in performing during the Convention Public Show should also contact Gene Jones.


Helpers are needed for various aspects of the convention, such as security, registration, the championships and general assistance. Experienced video operators are also needed.   Gene Jones, IJA President, New Yock, NY.



Apology; retractions

The first day of the Antic Arts Academy was incorrectly printed in the last issue. That motion and comedy workshop will begin on June 27 at SUNY/Purchase.


Credit for a recent photograph of Bob Ripa was incorrectly given. Please credit that photo to Karl-Heinz Ziethen of Berlin, Germany.


Due to the editor's error, prices for Todd Smith juggling props advertised in the January issue were incorrectly printed. Please check the ad in this issue for correct prices.


Unicyclists plan their convention

The Unicycling Society of America will hold its National Unicycle Meet July 14-17 at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. For information and registration, send SASE to USA, Inc., Redford, Michigan.                       


Clown around in New York

The first New York Festival of Clown­Theatre will be June 5 - July 10 at Theatre Guinevere, 15 W.'28th St. IJA member Avner the Eccentric will open the festival June 7. For further information, contact "If Every Fool, Inc." New York, New York.


Movement in West Virginia

The National Mime Conference will be held July 7-9 in Elkins, West Virginia. Five panelists will function under the theme "Building Mime Futures." The conference will be held between sessions of The School for Movement Theatre. For information about the conference or the classes, write or call Julie Pedretti, School for Movement Theatre, Davis & Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia.  

Freddie practices his US Nationals act on stage at SUNY / Purchase Theatre A, site of IJA Convention championships.

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