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Previous minutes: December 3, 2002 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: January 15, 2003

IJA Board Meeting - January 12, 2003

The Board of Directors of the International Jugglers Association met on January 12, 2003, 4:00pm ET via conference call.

Present at the meeting were - Chairman: Paul Richmond; Directors: Jaye Butler, David Davis, Andy Ford, Art Jennings, Bill Ritchie, Ben Schoenberg, Scott Slesnick; Officers: Norman Schneiderman, General Manager; Ginny Rose, Festival Coordinator, Richard Dingman, Treasurer/Secretary; Becky Schneiderman, Recorder; Stan Allen, Publisher of Juggle

Meeting called to order 4:05pm ET

Roll Called



Oct 8 (5 minutes)
Dec 3 (5 minutes)

Staff report (15 minutes)

Budget (20 minutes, There have been no questions asked about this budget, the board needs to decide what the next steps are faced with the reality the draft budget is presenting.)

Festival 2004 (15 minutes, this is for anymore clarifying question, a vote)

World Juggling Day (15 minutes We are being asked to approve the budget again for WJD)

Committees (45 minutes) ( Does the board agree that the Financial, Membership, and Fundraising are the first committees that need to be up and running? What are the projects, goals for these committees? How many people and what qualification for people being on these committees. What do we want to see accomplished and in what time line? We need to discuss a plan of action and get the committees working)

Slesnick moves we accept the agenda as set by Paul with the following order, Minutes, Staff Reports, Committees, World Juggling Day, Festival 2004, Budget.

Schoenberg seconds

Butler no
Davis abstain
Ford abstain
Jennings no
Ritchie no
Schoenberg yes
Slesnick no
Richmond no

Motion does not carry

Slesnick moves to accept the agenda as originally presented by Richmond

Butler seconds

Slesnick states for the record the order will be minutes, staff reports, budget, festival, world juggling day and then committees

Slesnick calls the vote

Richmond seconds

Davis objects

Vote to limit debate

Butler yes
Davis no
Jennings yes
Ritchie yes
Schoenberg no
Slesnick yes
Richmond yes
Ford no

Motion to limit debate does not pass as it requires 2/3 majority as per Robert's Rules

Davis proposes an addition to the agenda to discuss agenda procedure at the end of the meeting

Slesnick accepts

Butler yes
Davis no
Jennings no
Ritchie yes
Schoenberg abstain
Ford abstain
Slesnick yes
Richmond yes

Motion carries
Slesnick moves to table discussion of the Oct 8 minutes

Richmond seconds

Vote, none opposed

Motion carries

Davis moves we post the current draft minutes of the Oct 8 meeting to the discussion forum. Copies of the recording of the meetings will be provided to any requesting board member.

Ford seconds

Jennings leaves the meeting at 5.04 pm ET

Davis amends motion to "copies of the recording of the meetings will be provided to any requesting board member".

Schoenberg seconds

Ritchie objects to having his recorded voice sent out.

Slesnick calls the vote

Davis seconds

Butler no
Davis yes
Jennings absent
Ritchie no
Schoenberg yes
Ford yes
Slesnick yes
Richmond abstain

Motion carries

Richmond moves to adjourn the meeting

Ritchie seconds

Allen leaves the meeting at 5.30pm ET

Butler yes
Davis abstain
Jennings absent
Schoenberg no
Ritchie yes
Ford abstain
Slesnick yes
Richmond yes

Meeting adjourned 5.38 pm ET

Previous minutes: December 3, 2002 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: January 15, 2003
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