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Championships Results
42nd IJA Summer Festival
Loyola College
Baltimore, Maryland
July 17-22

1988 | Championships | 1990

Individual Championships
1) Cindy Marvell 2) Larry Vee 3) Michael Menes
Junior Championships
1) Jonathan Rosenberg 2) Brian Patz 3) Alfonso Guerra
Team Championships
1) The Passing Zone (Owen Morse & Jon Wee) 2) Doubble Troubble (Nick & Alex Karvounis) 3) Clockwork (Jack Kalvan & Rick Rubenstein) 

Numbers Challenge
 Individual Balls - Anthony Gatto (9 b, 44 catches)
 Individual Clubs - Anthony Gatto (7 c, 132 c)
 Individual Rings - Anthony Gatto (8 r, 106 c)
 Team Balls - Johnnie Scarcello & Andrew Senske (12 b, 64 catches)
 Team Clubs - Nick & Alex Karvounis (9 c, 164 c)
 Team Rings - Johnnie Scarcello & Andrew Senske (11 r, 68 catches) 

Men's 100 meter
1) Jeff Mason (13.2) 2) Tuey Wilson (13.3) 3) Tom Sparough (13.9)
Women's 100 meter
1) Laura Green (18.3) 2) K.C. Canter (19.7) 3) Joanne Dintzis (21.9)
Men's Mile
1) Steve Otteson (5:41) 2) Bill Giduz (5:47.8) 3) Mike Thomasen (5:51)
Women's Mile
1) Kathy Glynn (6:17)
Men's 5-k
1) John Kilgust (19:06.7) 2) Steve Otteson (20:33) 3) Paul Ballard (20:50)
Women's 5-k
1) Kay Caskey (27:57.7)
Men's 1-mile relay
1) Team Exerball (4:01.5 Albert Lucas, Owen Morse, Jon Wee, Tuey Wilson)
2) Cheese Surfers (4:41.3 Steve Otteson, Jim Steffens, Lars Rohrbach, John Kilgust)
3) Just Decideds (5:11.1 Marlin Ballard, Tom Sparough, Barry Goldmeier, Mike Narotsky)
Coed 1-mile relay
1) Coed Jugglers (5:55.9 Paul Ballard, K.C. Canter, Kathy Glynn, Mike Thomasen)
Women's 1-mile relay
1) Pink Flamingo Team Exerball (Laura Green, Kay Caskey, Laurie Young, Sandy Brown)
Baltimore 3-Ball Open
Apprentice - Eric Uhrhane; Journeyman - Wink Danenberg; Master - Jeff Mason

1988 | Championships | 1990

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