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Previous minutes: Sept. 20, 2006 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: Nov. 15, 2006 

IJA Board Meeting - October 11, 2006

1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kim Laird called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. Eastern time.

2. ROLLPresent: Kim Laird, chair; Sandy Brown, Don Lewis, Jerry Martin, Jim Maxwell, Bob Neuman, Will Penman, board members; Martin Frost, Communications Director

Absent: None

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Agenda approved by unanimous consent.

4. PREVIOUS MINUTES: Minutes of the September 20, 2006 meeting approved by unanimous consent.


Festival 2006 (Katje Sabin) - no report

Festival 2007 (John Satriano) - no report

Championships 2007 (Dan Holzman) - no report

Finances (Kim Laird) - All signature cards for full/view only access have been processed.

Insurance (Kim Laird) - approximately 10 parties (4 groups, 6 individuals) have expressed interest in the program. Another call will go out in the next e-newsletter

Store (Sandy Brown) - Sandy will be out for 3 weeks in Oct.

Membership (Jim Maxwell) - approx. 70 membership payments processed since festival-- mostly renewals-- totalling $2260. Reminder postcard generated significant increase. Investigating products to convert Filemaker to SQL database.

Magazine (Kim Laird) - first draft of contract submitted for review. Several items are being discussed for negotiation. Finalization should be concluded by Nov. board meeting

e-Newsletter (Don Lewis) - issue one was well received; positive feedback; next one due early to mid-November.


6a. Don Lewis moves that whereas the books for past years are in somewhat of a shambles, whereas Holly Greeley has agreed to unshamble them for a maximum cost to the IJA of $2000. Be it resolved that the IJA contracts with Holly Greeley to provide this service. Bob Neuman seconds. Motion approved by unanimous consent. Don Lewis further moves that Holly Greeley be appointed as IJA treasurer/bookkeeper. Jim Maxwell seconds. Motion approved by unanimous consent.

6b. Don Lewis moves that David Landowne be appointed as IJA Webmaster. The Webmaster will select a team from the available volunteers. Initially this will include David Davis and Joyce Howard during a transition phase. The Webmaster will manage access and permissions as required. The board formally thanks David and Joyce for their considerable contribution to the IJA website. Kim Laird seconds. Motion approved by unanimous consent.

6c. Copyright: Kim Laird moves to accept Andrew Conway's competition rule "Competitors may use copyright, royalty free or public domain recordings. Should a competitor elect to use a copyright recording, they must provide written evidence that they have obtained performance and synchronization rights from the owner of the copyright to use that recording in IJA competitions and videos." Bob Neuman seconds. Motion approved by unanimous consent.


7a. Kim Laird moves to accept Dan Holzman's championships scoring proposal. This proposal is provisional and will need some fine tuning. Bob Neuman seconds. Don Lewis moves to table the issue for further discussion.

8. NEXT MEETING: Next meeting will be held 8 pm Eastern time November 15, 2006, 8pm Eastern time. Agenda items due to the board chair on or before November 5, 2006.

9. ADJOURNMENT: Don Lewis moved to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Eastern time by unanimous consent.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Maxwell

Previous minutes: Sept. 20, 2006 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: Nov. 15, 2006 
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