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Previous minutes: August 15, 2007 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: October 24, 2007 

IJA Board Meeting- September 12, 2007


1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Don Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. EDT.

2. ROLL:
Present: Don Lewis, chair; Kim Laird, John Satriano, Chuck Hawley, Will Penman, Jerry Martin, Sandy Brown (arrived at 8:07 p.m.) (Board members); Janelle Hawley (Recording Secretary), Holly Greeley (Treasurer), Martin Frost (arrived at 8:05 p.m.) (Communications Director)

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Kim Laird moved to approve the agenda with the addition of a finance report - agenda was passed by unanimous consent

Will Penman would like to be listed in the minutes as the Bylaw Committee Chair

John Satriano moved to approve the minutes with the amendment - August 15, 2007 minutes approved by unanimous consent


Festival (John Satriano) - There have been 158 responses from the festival survey. The majority of the responses were positive; a few were negative. John will close out the survey and start compiling a report.

Membership (Jim Maxwell via Don Lewis) - The current membership number is 1734.

Finances (Holly Greeley) - Holly is putting together an agenda for the projects to be put into the 2008 budget. She would like to have an idea of what projects are to be completed for 2008 and use that in accordance with planning the 2008 budget.

Store (Sandy Brown) - The store is receiving orders for 2007 festival DVD's. Money is being refunded for the DVD's that were ordered for previous years festival DVD's which have been removed from the store.

Videos & DVD's (John Satriano, pro-tem) - The 2007 DVD's are still in development. Alan Plotkin is finished with his portion of the 2007 festival video and he is waiting for a few other people to provide their video material. Helen Driggs is working on 2007 festival video cover.

Bylaws (Will Penman) - Will and 4 other volunteers comprise the committee, Kim Laird, Mark Bakalor, Philip Garee, and Dave Davis.

Ideas (Kim Laird) - Len Ferman is assisting to lead this committee. Mark Bakalor and Madelyn Dinnerstein were the members involved. Anthony Shave was the non-member involved. They used a rating system of 1 through 5 to rate the ideas that were brought up from the Idea Session at the Winston-Salem Festival and ideas committee members brought to the table. Kim gave Holly a list of the top 20 ideas to consider for budget purposes. A few of the ideas looked at were updating the IJA website, incentive and rewards for IJA members, standards to promote the sport of juggling, packets for schools to promote IJA juggling clubs, JuggleVision, McDonald's Happy Meal promotion, and exercise videos for jugglers.


6a. Kim Laird moved that the IJA develop a plan to compensate dealers holding unsold IJA videos, which have been withdrawn from sale by the IJA.

Sandy Brown talked to the vendor, Naranja. They are willing to accept credit for the withdrawn DVD's and are looking forward to selling our 2007 festival DVD's. We can reimburse them for the remaining balance, if there is any. Sandy will contact other vendors who have older festival DVD's and talk to them about accepting credit for the 2007 festival DVD's and then pay them the remaining balance, if needed. The other vendors didn't have as many older festival DVD's in stock.

Motion revised

Kim Laird moved that the IJA compensate dealers holding IJA videos, which have been withdrawn from sale by the IJA, by offering credit followed by financial reimbursement of the balance.

Motion is approved by unanimous consent


6b. Chuck Hawley moved that a working group on scoring methods be created, with a view to having a viable system in place for the 2008 festival. A timeline is to be presented at the earliest opportunity.

Chuck Hawley would like to work closely with Dan Holzman to form a group to get input from other IJA members, past competitors, and past judges regarding the scoring system. Any changes to the scoring system should be completely defined by December so they can be sent out to members and competitors by January. The new scoring system will be reevaluated by the November meeting and it will be decided then if it's a viable option for 2008 or hold off till 2009.

Motion revised

Chuck Hawley moved that a working group on scoring methods be created; Chuck Hawley will lead that group.

Motion was passed by unanimous consent


6c. Don Lewis moved to appoint Andrew Conway to the position of video coordinator.

Don Lewis stated that Andrew Conway would like to be reinstated as video coordinator. Andrew would like to move forward with the JuggleVision project and see it continue in the IJA.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:
Kim Laird - No
Jerry Martin - No
Sandy Brown - No
Will Penman - No
Chuck Hawley - No
John Satriano - No
Don Lewis -Yes

Motion is not approved. John Satriano will continue to fill the position pro-tem.


6d. Don Lewis moves to continue to examine a request submitted by Dave Davis. There was no second.

Kim Laird moved that the IJA Board discuss this motion in Executive Session.
Motion is passed by unanimous consent.

IJA Board exits Executive Session.
Don Lewis moved that the Board continue to examine the situation.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:
Don Lewis - Yes
Kim Laird - Yes
Jerry Martin - Yes
Sandy Brown - No
Will Penman - Yes
Chuck Hawley - No
John Satriano - No

Motion was approved.


7. NEXT MEETING: Next regular BOD meeting will be held on October 24th, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. EDT.

8. ADJOURNMENT: Don Lewis moved to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. EDT by unanimous consent.

Respectfully submitted by Janelle Hawley.

Previous minutes: August 15, 2007 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: October 24, 2007 
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