IJA |Web
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To render assistance
to fellow jugglers
International Jugglers' Association


This is an archival website

For current information visit https:juggle.org

IJA Video Policy

* Videotape in the gym for personal use with the permission of the person(s) being videotaped.
* Videotape workshops for personal use with the permission of the workshop leader.
* Videotape joggling for personal use.
* Videotape midnight shows for personal use.

* Obtain a video of your own performance in any IJA show or competition for a small fee. This video is non-commercial use. You may use it in a promo video provided you credit the IJA. You may put it on the web provided you credit the IJA and link to the IJA web site.
* Make 'fair use' of IJA videos. Provided you credit the IJA for the
footage, you can include or link to the following in another video project or web site: no more than 30 seconds from any single act, no more than two minutes from any video, and no more than five minutes from all IJA videos.
* Submit a proposal to  for any other video projects involving IJA events or archives.

* Videotape any IJA shows or competitions (except joggling and the midnight shows) without written permission from the IJA.
* Make a commercial video using IJA footage or video recorded at an IJA festival without a license from the IJA. See below.
* Copy IJA videos.
* Publish IJA videos on the web, unless it is your act, or you follow the
fair use guidelines. It is your act if you are the sole performer, or you
have permission to publish from all the other performers.

Note on licensing
The IJA will not charge a license fee for an individual performer wishing to use footage of their own performance in a commercial video they are producing provided:
* The IJA is credited for the footage in the final product.
* IJA members receive a discount on the final product.

To obtain a copy of your footage please contact


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IJA ezine eJuggle!

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IJA youTube

IJA Juggling.tv
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