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2004 IJA Festival Schedule
- Monday:
- 10am onward Free juggling day, no registration or membership needed
- 10am-5pm Festival registration open
- 4pm-5pm Juniors, Teams and Individuals Championships Registration
- 6pm Welcome Dinner advance ticket purchase required
- 7:30pm Free Welcome Show
- Daily, Tuesday-Saturday:
- 8am-5pm Festival registration open
- 10am-6pm Workshops (except for the special 3-day Jay Gilligan workshop, all workshops are free with Gym Admission or an Event Package)
- Tuesday:
- 10am-1pm Joggling Championships
- 10am-2:30pm Juniors then Teams preliminaries
- 3pm-5pm Individual Prop Competition
- 5pm-5:30pm Registration for Individuals Championships only
- Wednesday:
- 10am-1pm Jay Gilligan special workshop
- 10am-1pm Individuals preliminaries
- 10am-11am Affiliates meeting
- 11am-... Election of members of the Board of Directors
- noon-2pm IJA business meeting
- 1pm-3:30pm Juniors Championships rehearsal
- 3:30pm-6pm Youth Showcase rehearsal
- 7pm Youth Showcase
- 9pm Juniors Championships
- Thursday:
- 10am-1pm Jay Gilligan special workshop
- 1pm-6pm Individuals and Teams Championships rehearsal
- 7pm Individuals and Teams Championships
- Friday:
- 10am-1pm Jay Gilligan special workshop
- 11am IJA Auction
- 1pm Numbers Competition
- Saturday:
- 10:30am Flying Karamazov Brothers workshop
- 12:30pm-4pm The Games Big Toss-Up photo follows
- 8pm CASCADE OF STARS in Shea's Performing Arts Center, directed by Scott Meltzer
- Sunday:
- Until 3pm closing Free juggling day, no registration or membership needed
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