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International Jugglers' Association


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2005 IJA Joggling Championships

Tuesday, July 19, 9am-noon
Race director - Bill Giduz • 1-704-892-1296


Location to be announced

Pre-registration for the championships will be conducted through email to ..., on-site registration at the festival, and race-day registration at the joggling track. If possible, please register by email to save time at the track.

The registration fee will be $10, which will cover as many races as the entrant wishes to enter.


There will be eight competitive, timed events for men's division and women's divisions:

  • 5 ball 100 meters
  • 100 meters
  • 400 meters
  • 800 meters
  • 1 mile or 1600 meters (depending on track markings)
  • 4x100 meter relay
  • 4x400 relay
  • 5 kilometer

Competitions will be held in four age groups:

  • Youth Division - Age 12 and under
  • Intermediate Div. - 13-17
  • Open - Open to any age, mandatory for ages 18-39
  • Masters - runners age 40 plus

Runners may compete in either an age division or the Open division, but may only compete in one division, and must declare upon registration which division they intend to enter.

Relay teams may include runners in different divisions, but each team will be placed in the category of its most competitive runner. (i.e., three youth runners and one open runner on a team will compete in the open division. Three masters runners and one open runner will compete in the open division. Three youth and an intermediate will compete at the intermediate level.)

Race officials maintain the discretion to run different age groups together in the same race.


Winners of individual races will receive first, second, and third place ribbons.


Volunteers Needed! We need volunteer timers and race assistants. No experience necessary! If you would like to help, contact Bill Giduz, race director, at 1-704-892-1296
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