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to fellow jugglers
International Jugglers' Association


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Numbers Championships

at the IJA festival in Portland, OR
July 17-23, 2006

The purpose of this event is to accurately record who can successfully juggle the greatest numbers of balls, clubs, rings, and bounced balls. NEW THIS YEAR! For the first time, the IJA Numbers Championships will offer a $100 prize to the winner of each event, with special prizes for those who break standing IJA records, 2006 cash prizes generously donated by Sandy Brown, with matching funds from the IJA.

The IJA Numbers Championships were established to provide a forum for competitors to challenge each other, past champions, and the laws of physics. Many Numbers Championships winners are listed under each year on this page.

The IJA Numbers Championships Official Rules are listed on this page.

How to Enter
The DEADLINE for Numbers registration and completion of preliminary qualifying rounds is: 4:30pm, Thursday, July 20, 2006. Signups for Numbers Championships will be held in the Main Gym beginning Tuesday, July 18, 2006. Questions? Contact Numbers Championships co-directors Merry Spahr and Scott Cain.


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