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International Jugglers' Association


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Individual Prop Competition

at the IJA festival in Portland, OR
July 17-23, 2006

The goal of this competition is to demonstrate technique, presentation and originality in a routine based upon a single prop. Cash prizes will be offered this year. Look for a demonstration of Battle Passing, a seriously competitive club passing game, during this year's Prop Competition.

Created by Dan Holzman at the 2003 Reno Festival, this event has been steadily growing in quality and popularity.

Routines must be choreographed to music and no longer than 2 minutes. Bring your music on CD to the competition. You MAY NOT use the same routine in Prop Competition and the Stage Championships. For instance, if you are juggling 3 balls in Prop, you can perform 2, 4, 5, etc. balls in Stage Championships, but NOT 3. Questions? Contact Prop Competition Organizer Dan Holzman.

How to Enter
You may enter on the day of the event (Tuesday, July 18, 3pm, Main Gym). Bring your music on CD. There is a $10 entry fee per person, per event, payable upon entry.


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