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Previous minutes: July 20, 2005 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: Sept 15, 2005

IJA Board Meeting - August 18, 2005

1. CALL TO ORDER: David Davis called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. Eastern time.


Present: David Davis, chair; Tim Furst, Joyce Howard, Kim Laird, Jim Maxwell, Bob Neuman, board members; Katje Sabin, recording secretary.

Absent: Jerry Martin

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Agenda approved by unanimous consent.

4. PREVIOUS MINUTES: Minutes of the June 22, 2005 meeting approved by unanimous consent. Minutes of the July 20, 2005 meeting approved by unanimous consent.


New IJA Website - David Davis
The new website is up and running with fewer problems than expected. Several major areas are still not online and the forum software will need to updated soon due to a security flaw. The IJA store was able to conduct strong sales of over $600 in memberships and merchandise during the first week. The data from the old site will be preserved.

2005 Festival Report - David Davis
The official registration count is now 674 jugglers which under-represents total attendance. Costs appear to be slightly less than expected resulting in over $10,000 in profits. Final numbers are not yet available. The festival video's trailer will be added to the web site.

2006 Festival Site Selection - The 2006 Festival Site Committee, via Todd Strong, has emailed a recommendation to the Board. Final contract negotiations are in process. The board discussed the structure and future of this committee.

IRS 990 Status - David Davis
This form is almost ready to file. We were late on filing, and will try to avoid the fee. We are also working to create a calendar so this will not happen in the future.


6a. Amending the Bylaws
David Davis proposes that the Bylaws be amended from:

4. Removal. Directors may be removed for cause by a majority vote of
* (a) the voting members of the Corporation; or
* (b) the Board of Directors.
4. Removal. Directors may be removed for cause by
* (a) a majority vote of the voting members of the Corporation; or
* (b) a 2/3 super-majority vote of the Board of Directors.


1. These bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by the majority vote of the Board of Directors.
1. These bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by a 2/3 super-majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Bob suggested sending these changes to the Bylaws Committee.

Jim proposes tabling these motions until the next meeting. Motion tabled by unanimous consent.

6b. Marketing Director
Joyce proposes that the board create the position of Marketing Director. This volunteer should work with the Affiliates, Membership, and Merchandise directors with such responsibilities as getting door prizes and membership forms to local festivals, coordinating ads for JUGGLE, developing promotional materials and products, etc.

Jim proposes tabling the motion until the next meeting.
Motion tabled by unanimous consent.


7a. Festival Coordinators
Jim proposes that Katje Sabin and Bill Gilliland be appointed festival coordinators for the 2006 IJA festival. The festival coordinators and the chairman are instructed to follow through with the recommendations of the Site Selection committee.

Motion approved by unanimous consent.

8. NEXT MEETING: Next meeting will be 8 p.m Eastern, Thursday, September 15, 2005.

9. ADJOURNMENT: Kim moved to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Eastern time by unanimous consent.

Respectfully submitted,
Katje Sabin

Previous minutes: July 20, 2005 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: Sept 15, 2005
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