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Previous minutes: October 20, 2004 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: December 15, 2004

IJA Board Meeting - November 17, 2004

Tim moves that Dave serve as acting chair. Motion passes by unanimous consent.

1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order 9:33pm Eastern

2. ROLL Present: Dave Davis, acting chair. Tim Furst, Joyce Howard, Jerry Martin, Bob Newman, directors. Katje Sabin, recording secretary. Jack McMichael, treasurer.
Absent: Andrew Conway, Todd Strong.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Proposed agenda approved by unanimous consent.

4. PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of the October 20, 2004 meeting -- approved by unanimous consent.


2005 Festival Report Submitted by Todd. The contract with the Rivercenter has been signed. The dates for the 2005 IJA festival are July 18-24, 2005. The festival will be in Davenport, Iowa, USA. Tim plans to post his letter regarding the midnight show to the public forum.

Treasurer's Report None at this time.

2006 Festival Site Selection Bob talked with Adam Yonce re: North Carolina, who is preparing a bid for 2006.

Governance Committee Report None at this time. Dave will move ahead on this in the next few days.

Video Projects Dave reports that we are moving ahead with the "Bouncing in Buffalo" video.

Business Processes Streamlining Committee Joyce has been talking with Dave, Dan Howard, and the Sullivans to determine procedures. Taxes were sent in on time, according to volunteer Robin Markowitz via Bob.

Archives Report Alan has uploaded a number of archival photos to the new web site.

Webteam Report Dave reports considerable progress on the site, and he says it is ready to go live. The only thing holding it up is sales processing, and Joyce is working to get that done in the next few days.


6a. Video project on women jugglers Joyce reports this project in on hold for the moment. Motion is tabled by unanimous consent until it is ready for further action.

6b. Licensing DVD masters Dave reports this project on hold for the moment. Motion is tabled by unanimous consent until next meeting.


7a. Merchandise Distributor Dave moves that Steve Healy be Merchandise Distributor. Motion passes by unanimous consent. In the process of setting up Steve in this position, a year-end inventory will be taken.

7b. Outreach Fund Dave moves that the IJA create an Outreach Fund. This fund will have an annual budget not to exceed $1,000 taken from the IJA general funds. Donations made to the IJA that are specifically designated for this fund may increase the amount available. The purpose of this fund is to assist jugglers to attend a non-local (to the juggler(s)) juggling event. The juggler will represent the IJA and promote different styles of juggling. Jugglers and festival organizers may apply for this grant, which will be awarded at the sole discretion of the plan administrator, who would be appointed by the board.

Motion passes by unanimous consent.

7c. IJA Workshop Fund Dave moves that the IJA create a Workshop Fund. This fund will have an annual budget not to exceed $1,000 taken from the IJA general funds. Donations made to the IJA that are specifically designated for this fund may increase the amount available. Interested workshop leaders may apply for grants and/or seed money to assist them in offering workshops at reduced rates for IJA members. A board-appointed workshop coordinator shall have full power to grant/deny requests. The workshop coordinator shall also try to find projects that offer a high return on investment so that progressively more projects can be funded.

Motion passes by unanimous consent.

7d. Membership pricing and shipping costs Dave moves that a single set of prices be established for IJA memberships. No price distinctions will be based on members' addresses.

Motion passes by unanimous consent.

7e. 2005 Festival Team Dave moves that Todd Strong, currently Festival Director Pro-Tem, be appointed the 2005 Festival Director. Todd is instructed to form a festival team that includes, at a minimum, Katje Sabin, Bill Gilliland and Dusty Galbraith.

Motion passes by unanimous consent.

8. NEXT MEETING Next meeting will be held Dec. 15, 2004.

9. ADJOURNMENT Bob moved to adjourn. Motion passes by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 10:26pm Eastern time.

Respectfully submitted,
Katje Sabin, recording secretary

Previous minutes: October 20, 2004 | List of available minutes | Next minutes: December 15, 2004
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