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Previous minutes: Jun 13, 2007 | List of available minutes | July 19, 2007 

IJA Board Meeting- July 18,2007

(preliminary agenda- not approved)

Chair Kim Laird called the meeting to order at 11:54 a.m. EDT on July 18, 2007.

Present: Kim Laird, chair; Sandy Brown, Don Lewis, Jerry Martin, Jim Maxwell, Bob Neuman, (board members); Chuck Hawley (Recording Secretary), Martin Frost (Communications Director), Holly Greeley (Treasurer), Jimmie Nickell (Parliamentarian)
Absent: Will Penman

3a. Don Lewis moves to approve Jimmie Nickell as Parliamentarian for the annual meeting. Seconded by Sandy Brown.
Motion passes by unanimous consent.

3b. Don Lewis moves that the board authorize the Video Coordinator to enter into a contract with StreamerNet for the delivery of IJA videos over the Internet. Seconded by: Bob Neuman.

Sandy moves to table the motion for the future board to decide on. Seconded by Jim Maxwell.
The motion to table passes by unanimous consent.

3c. Jerry Martin moves that Steve Rahn serve as Chief Teller for the election and Paul Phariss serve as Sergeant of Arms for the annual meeting. Seconded by Bob Neuman.
Motion passes by unanimous consent.

3d. Don Lewis nominates Jim as intermediary chair for election if Kim must step down due to issues on the floor. Seconded by Kim Laird.
Motion passes by unanimous consent.

4. NEXT MEETING: To be determined by the new board after the 2007 elections have concluded.

5. ADJOURNMENT: Kim Laird moves to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. EDT by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hawley

Previous minutes: Jun 13, 2007 | List of available minutes | July 19, 2007 
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