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61st IJA Festival
July 14-20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
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IJA Championships
This event attracts jugglers from around the world who present their very best work in hopes of capturing an IJA gold medal. This intense competition is one of the highlights of the festival and shouldn't be missed. The Juniors Championships are on Wednesday, July 16, the Individuals and Teams Championships on Thursday, July 17. Over $4000 in cash prizes plus medals and trophies will go home with the 2008 champions!
Significant changes have been made to the competitions this year. Please read the Special Notes below, and see for complete info. Entry fee: $25 per event. Contact Championships Director Chuck Hawley at championships.
Special Note - The judging system and criteria have changed. The goal of the IJA Stage Championships is to reward a stage-performed juggling act that is entertaining to a broad audience. The method of scoring and the criteria on which an act is judged have changed significantly. All competitors are responsible for understanding all rules and procedures before the competition see for details.
Special Note - Routines must be submitted on six DVDs by June 9. To enter the Championships, you must submit six copies of a DVD showing your act (actual costume, music and routine). The video on DVD must be from a single continuous shot of your act, with no editing at all. The top acts will be selected for the stage finals in each category.
Special Note - Copyright music is allowed in the Stage Championships and the Individual Prop Competition but may be overdubbed on IJA DVDs. Competitors may use any music for which the IJA or the competitor has procured live performance rights. If a competitor cannot procure adequate publishing rights, music will be replaced with royalty free music on the DVD. For more info, see: |
Individual Prop Competition
The Individual Prop Competition will be held on Thursday afternoon. Look for the best in 3 balls, 3 clubs, 1 diabolo, 1 devil stick, 3 cigar boxes and 3 rings. Routines should be no longer than 2 minutes and choreographed to music see the Special Note on copyright music above. Cash prizes totaling $1200 will be awarded. Entry fee: $20 per event. For more information, contact organizers Matt Hall and Kevin Axtell at propcomp.
What is XJuggling? It's not stage, circus or birthday party juggling. You don't even have to have your tricks mastered. All that matters is the biggest, baddest, most extreme juggling tricks you've ever seen. If you can rock a trick every time, it's probably TOO EASY! Watch the best jugglers in the world pull off huge tricks and gnarly moves or crash and burn. This is all about radical, cutting edge tricks that push the limits of creativity and possibility and all you gotta do is pull your trick off ONCE (within the time limit, or course). Look for this competition on Friday afternoon. For more info visit or contact organizer Jack Kalvan at xjuggling.
Joggling Championships
Joggling is simply juggling while jogging or, in this case, sprinting! This year's event is scheduled at 9am on Tuesday. Entry Fee: $10. For more information, contact Joggling Director Bill Giduz at joggling.
Numbers Championships
The IJA Numbers Championships were established to provide a forum for competitors to challenge each other, past champions and the laws of physics. The purpose of these events is to accurately record who can successfully juggle, individually and in teams, the greatest numbers of balls, clubs, rings and bounced balls. Look for the Numbers Championships on Friday at noon. Cash prizes totaling $1000 will be available including a special prize for competitors breaking IJA Numbers records. Entry fee: $15 per event. See for rules and entry information.
Games of the IJA
The games are always a festival favorite. Kick back in the gym and watch or, better yet, join in the fun. Questions or ideas? Contact Games Director Scott Slesnick at games.
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